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Minggu, 19 Februari 2017

Nutrition and nutrition important for pregnant women

Nutrition and nutrition of pregnant women is an important thing that needs to be fulfilled during hard pregnancy. The risk of fetal health are currently designed and her pregnant mother will be reduced if pregnant women receive nutrition and a balanced diet. Therefore, families and pregnant women should be concerned about this. Nutrition or nutritional status of pregnant women equates to putting in healthy nutrition nutrition. Just being alone, pregnant women should be more careful in choosing health foods also considering the unborn fetus.
Nutrition for pregnant women
Nutrition and good nutrition is very helpful when pregnancy lasts pregnant women and fetuses during a pregnancy throughout the day. All nutrition and good nutrition for pregnant women?
With increasing gestational age, diet also increased the nutritional needs of pregnant women, especially by entering the second trimester of pregnancy. At the time of the second trimester, the fetus develops very rapidly, especially on brain growth after nerve arrangement.

Maternal nutrition hamilNutrisi and good nutrition is very helpful when pregnancy lasts pregnant women and fetuses during a pregnancy throughout the day. Of course, pregnant women and the fetus remain healthy. During pregnancy, nutritional requirements increase a case of the need for calcium, iron and folic acid. Pregnant women should be encouraged to consume good nan nutritious foods, as well as control of kenaian weight during pregnancy progresses. The ideal weight gain is between 12-15 kilograms.

For fetal development goes well, and pregnant women can undergo pregnancy days with good health, pregnant women must eat the consumption of nutrients as follows:

 1. calorie

During pregnancy, calorie consumption should increase the range of 300-400 kcal per day. Calories that can be derived from various dietary sources, where the perfect 4 5 healthy diet should be for reference. The good, 55% of the calories obtained from tubers and rice as a source of carbohydrates, both vegetable and animal fats, as much as 35%, 10% protein and vegetables and fruit can be complementary.

 2. Asama folate

The fetus is in desperate need of folic acid in large amounts to the formation of cells and nervous system. During the first trimester the fetus would need an additional 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. If the fetus is deficient in folic acid, this will make the development of the fetus is not perfect and can make the fetus is born with abnormalities such as the anenchephaly experiment (without skullcap), experienced a lip and spina bifda slit Which the spinal cord is not connected). Folic acid can be fruits, brown rice and green vegetables.

 3. protein

In addition to being a source for calorie and nutrient builders, blood formation and cell function is a protein. Proteins are needed by pregnant women with a total of about 60 grams per day or 10 grams more than usual. Proteins can be obtained from nuts, tempeh, egg whites, meat and tofu.

 4. calcium

That works in the growth and formation of the bones and teeth of the fetus. In the absence of adequate calcium during pregnancy, pregnant women can avoid osteoporosis of the disease. Why that? Because if the mother does not have enough calcium, the fetus needs calcium to be taken from her mother's bones. Milk and other processed products are good sources of calcium, in addition to calcium, milk contains other vitamins are needed for pregnant women, seerti vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B2 vitamin B3 and vitamin C. In addition to milk, nuts and green vegetables are a good source of calcium as well.

 5. Vitamin A

Very useful for maintaining the function of the eye, the growth of bone and skin. In addition to vitamin A also serves as immunity and fetal growth. However meskiun vitamin A is needed by pregnant women but not to be allowed to consume in excess, because if pregnant women suffer from excess vitamin A, it can make the fetus are stunted.

 6. iron

That works in blood formation, especially hemoglobin red blood cells and reduce the risk of maternal anemia. Iron will be needed when entering the age of 20 weeks of gestation. The need for iron 30 mg per day. Iron can be found in liver, meat or fish.

 7. Vitamin C

The body of the pregnant woman needs vitamin C in order to absorb iron. Besides vitamin C is very good for the health of the gums and teeth. Another function of vitamin C is to protect the tissues from the organs of bberbagai types of brain damage as well as provide in the form of chemical signals it happens because vitamin C contains antioxidants.

 8. Vitamin D

Can meneyerap calcium is beneficial in bone formation and growth of the child. Vitamin D can be obtained from a food source, milk, egg yolk or fish liver.

If pregnant women do not undergo a variety of symptoms such as anemia, bleeding gums and other symptoms, pregnant women can be considered to have nutrients and enough nutrients. It is more important to check the adequacy of nutrition during pregnancy is definitely through the development of weight gain during pregnancy. Of course, weight gain varies every month. (Read: ideal weight during pregnancy).

But if the pregnant woman during pregnancy nutrition deficiency? This could have an impact on the presence of babies are born prematurely, resulting in a miscarriage, abnormalities of the child's nervous system, the development of the fetus is not normal even cause the death of the fetus. So be especially careful about nutrition during pregnancy, keep in mind, do not meet nutritional needs because of the quantity, but quality nutrition with a balanced and fair composition it is paramount.

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