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Rabu, 01 Maret 2017

Multiple Benefits of Avocados Fruit for Health

Avocado is a fruit that is very popular in tropical regions, such as Indonesia. The fruit is very delicious if the juice does. Rich aroma when used as appetizing to swallow the juice to run on the glass. I once (not often) bought a small shop and very tasty avocado juice drink in the hard lunch. Avocado can be found in the super market and a street market or in the shops and markets fruit.

Behind the rich taste and aroma, you probably do not know the benefits of avocado for health. The lawyer has several benefits that are very good for health. Therefore, through the health information article this time, I advise you to eat regularly to maintain your health. For your mind to always eat please read continue to benefit from the fruit of it:

1. Avocado fruit for disease prevention

Avocado has a high content of folic acid once. Content of folic acid useful for preventing stroke. With a lot of folate taking possibility of running will be minimized.

2. Fruit Avocados as a source of vitamin E

The avocados are contained in vitamin E is quite high. We know that vitamin E is very important to protect the body against disease and can also maintain overall health. In addition, the vitamin E content in the avocado fruit is very good for maintaining healthy skin.

3. Fruit Avocados like Heartburn Healer

Being exposed heartburn? If it is serious not to buy the first medicine. Just eat an extract of avocado seed. Because this fruit can mengoabati disease ulcer that attacks you.

4. Fruit of avocado without unsaturated fat rich in vegetables.

Vegetable fat in avocado fruit beneficial to reduce blood cholesterol (LDL). This means that this fruit can prevent heart disease, stroke, cancer or high blood pressure. In addition, the unsaturated fat in avocatiers also contain anti-fungal and bacterial properties. Unsaturated fats in avocados is also not difficult to digest the body so that it can provide optimum results in the body.

5. Fruit of avocado containing iron and copper

In avocado are iron and copper. Iron and copper are very important in the formation of red blood cells. So, eating a lawyer on a regular basis can help prevent anemia.

So information about the benefits of fruit for your health, especially the lawyer. Return to natural means to prevent and treat the disease. Because the natural way is relatively safer than many drugs that contain chemicals. Hopefully this helpful article for you.

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