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Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

Blueberry Fruit and Benefits To Health

This time I will share the information for you about Fruit Blueberry and Health Benefits. I sich never eat fruits Fruit Blueberry. He he he. Just look at the form again on the internet and that too ngambil in google. See picture below Fruit Blueberry.

Blueberry fruit grows only in a few countries. Means in Indonesia do not grow dong. But do not worry because we are also able to enjoy. How? Yes bought at a fruit market, supermarkets, shopping malls, etc. This fruit is included in "housekeeping" berry. It feels very nice to make a lot of people like. Apparently, behind the sweet taste of blueberry fruit contained a lot of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are herbal nutrients that are beneficial to your health. This is the content of phytonutrients in blue berry fruit

Hydroxybenzoic acid
Hydroxybenzoic acid
Another phenol related phytonutrients
Hydroxycinnamic acid
gallic acid
Procatchuic acid
Caffeic acid
Ferulic acid

In the list of phytonutrient contents above, almost all functions as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents and the benefits of these substances has been through research and in a variety of health research.

Blueberry Fruits as Antioxidants

The existence of different types of antioxidants that are stored in blueberries make this fruit into an idol for those who want to prevent heart disease and blood vessels and prevent the signs of premature aging. The surprising thing is the fruit's ability to protect oxidative stress not only benefiting both the circulatory system and the heart, but also to protect the rest of the body. Can be illustrated, for example, the appearance of a muscle injury following heavy exercise can be minimized or reduced by consuming blueberries. Anti-oxidants in the fruit is considered neuroprotective for the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, providing protection to the retina of the eye and preventing cancer.

Blueberry Benefits Cardiovascular Fruit

Consume blue berries long-term, it does not matter. In fact, if consumed in long-term blueberries proved to be a very beneficial for the circulatory system and the heart. Consume one to two small cups for one to three months can reduce total cholesterol, increases good cholesterol and decreases trigeserida. Not only that the protective effect was also observed in the cells lining the walls of the blood vessels.

Benefits Blueberries can also be observed on blood pressure. According to research blueberries have been shown to maintain a healthy blood pressure. So for people with hypertension, consuming it can also reduce systolic and diastolic pressures.

Fruits Blueberry cognitive benefits

This new discovery. Namely, one of the latest discoveries on blueberries are the cognitive benefits. Parents who eat blueberries regularly revealed have a better memory. Thus, researchers in this study were invited to eat in order to slow or delay cognitive impairment related to aging.

In addition to the above have a variety of benefits, blueberries are also known to have benefits for those who have problems with sugar in the blood such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and resistance to Insulin.

God gave a very great affection for us to provide fruits, including blueberries, which is very beneficial for health. We live and depend on us, want to use it or not given by God. Hopefully the explanation of the benefits of blueberries on top will think menambag insight and knowledge about health. Remember, healthy is important.

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